Mrs Jones’s Shout Out

Kia ora koutou,

Despite the short week, a lot has been happening! Our amazing students proudly represented us at the Bay of Plenty Cross Country in Tauranga on Tuesday. Their effort was incredible, and we are truly proud of their accomplishments.

Our amazing Art Extension students have their first exhibition “Under the Stars”, “Matariki Superstars”opening today at 6pm at the Rotorua Arts Village. We encourage you to take the time to go and check out these fantastic pieces of art.

We also released our new reports on Hero. The senior leadership team would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing teachers for the countless hours they have dedicated to teaching, observing, and recording the learning achievements of every student. As we often say, every child learns at their own pace, and the radial dials in the reports reflect this beautifully, showing how students achieve progressions at multiple levels of the curriculum.

Today, as we celebrate Matariki and the beginning of the new Māori lunar calendar year, it’s a special time for communities and whānau to come together and celebrate. It feels fitting that we ended our week with 3-way conferences, giving our kaiako and ākonga the chance to share and celebrate their learning with whānau. We appreciate your support this year with running these conferences during the school day. With over 265 bookings made, it was wonderful to see everyone coming and going throughout the day.

Mānawatia a Matariki!

Mrs Jones and the “A” Team

We are limitless! We are passionate! We are Mokoia!


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