Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers, and Whānau,
I’d like to use this opportunity to formally introduce myself. I have taken over from Jackie Jones as the Deputy Principal in charge of pastoral care. Jackie is currently on refreshment leave for the year. I have really enjoyed my first few weeks at Mokoia, the staff and students have been truly welcoming.
I have been teaching for almost 30 years in the Rotorua region. I started my teaching journey at Owhata Primary School and lived on the Eastside for many years.
I have been really fortunate this year as Matua Rawiri and the Board of Trustees have allowed me to bring my dog Ripley to school with me. Ripley has worked as a therapy dog at Rotorua Intermediate for the last two years. She is loving all the attention she gets at Mokoia, to tell the truth I think she is already far more popular with the staff and students than I could ever hope to be.
Should your child face any issues throughout the year that are related to their general and emotional wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me so we can discuss posibble support options.
Ngā mihi nui
Matua Dean and the “A” Team
We are limitless! We are passionate! We are Mokoia!