Mrs Jones’s Shout Out

Kia ora koutou,

What a busy week of learning and achievement it has been!

We started the week with a wonderful teacher-only day on Monday, where our teachers had the chance to showcase their creative sides by building models representing the different essential pedagogies in the new curriculum. The theme of whakawhanaungatanga and the importance of creating rich, open, and encouraging learning contexts were evident throughout. Our teachers also had many opportunities to quite literally put
themselves in the shoes of their ākonga, trying out various learning activities firsthand.

Our students have certainly shone this week as well. Our school cross country event was a huge success, and it was wonderful to see all our ākonga giving it their best effort and really showing ūpoko pakaru. I loved to see those who dressed up in their wonderful, bright house colours. It was also lovely to see them showing whānaungatanga as they cheered and supported their peers as they crossing the finish line.

Additionally, many of our students had the chance to shine outside our school in futsal, basketball, netball, and chess. It is so wonderful to see so many of our students taking up these amazing opportunities, and representing our school so well.

Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all back on Tuesday.

Mrs Jones and the “A” Team
We are limitless! We are passionate! We are Mokoia!


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