Mrs Jones’s Shout Out

Welcome to Week 2! We hope you’re all settling into the new term and finding your rhythm. We have a few important updates to share, so please read on for details.

Thank you for your prompt response and support regarding the recent social media incident earlier this week. As a school, we take the safety of our children very seriously, especially when it comes to inappropriate online content. We encourage you to have open conversations with your children about the importance of respecting age limits on social media platforms and the dangers of engaging with
unsuitable material.

This week we welcomed Whangamarino School to Mokoia as part of the first week of client schools. It has been so lovely seeing all the opportunities they have had taking part in the different technology classes, and all the positive interactions they have had with our students when they are out and about.

With the weather getting colder, we want to remind everyone about our uniform policy to keep our students warm and safe. Non-uniform hoodies are not allowed. Please ensure your child wears the school jumper or fleece. We have new fleeces available for sale at the school office, with Size 12 priced at $20. Other sizes can be ordered from the warehouse. Dark leggings and thermal tops are permitted to be worn underneath the school uniform for extra warmth. Please ensure that all items of school clothing are clearly labeled with your child’s name. This
makes it easier to return lost items to their rightful owners.

We have noticed a trend of red bands, gumboots, and slides being worn to school. Please remember that these are not appropriate or safe footwear for school activities. We recommend proper school shoes to ensure safety and comfort throughout the day.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at the school office. We look forward to a great week ahead!

Mrs Jones and the “A” Team
We are limitless! We are passionate! We are Mokoia!


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