Welcome to Mokoia Intermediate

The needs of ākonga are at the heart of all that we do at Mokoia Intermediate School.

Tena Koutou Whānau Ma
My name is Rawiri Wihapi and I am delighted to welcome you to Mokoia Intermediate. I love being a principal of a school which supports change, builds whakawhanaungatanga (relationships), cares for wellbeing (hauora) and has developed a culture of learning.

I believe we should strive to do our personal best to achieve the highest possible standards of learning in all endeavours that life has to offer. I am committed to being a visible, approachable and transparent principal who forms strong relationships with students, parents, community, local hapu and staff by maintaining high levels of communication and positive, progressive engagement.

I believe in our Vision Statement:
“The needs of ākonga are at the heart of all that we do at Mokoia Intermediate School.”

We have the highest expectations of our students and ourselves. We expect staff and students to model all values of Mokoia Intermediate from our Te Tihi o Mana model. We expect that we will all try the diverse opportunities offered at Mokoia Intermediate.
At Mokoia Intermediate, your child can look forward to making excellent academic progress, having fun and getting involved in a wide range of areas of learning, developing social and citizenship skills and being well prepared for life. We look forward to working with you, your child and whanau.

Rawiri Wihapi, Principal, Mokoia Intermediate

Ko Whakapoungakau te pae maunga,
Ko Pukepoto te tihi,
Ko Waingaehe te awa,
Ko te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumata-momoe te moana,
Ko Mokoia te Motutapu-a-Tinirau,
Ko Puketawhero te papawhenua,
Ko Whakaue te iwi,
Ko Te Roro-o-te-rangi te hapu,
Ko Mokoia te kura.
Tihei mauriora.

Ko te Whakaiti te noho mauritau i raro i te ngakau mahaki - Whakaiti means 'Humility'. To show respect by being humble in one's own actions and one's actions and interactions with others. It demonstrates respect for self and respect for others.
Ko te Upoko Pakaru te noho pumau ki te kaupapa i raro i te ngakau marie - Upoka Pakaru means 'Resilience'. To persevere in all endeavours and in all tasks by demonstrating resilience and fortitude.


Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers, and Whānau, A warm welcome to our new staff members! Welcome to Whaea Allison Brailey – Kaiawhina in Rumaki: He mihi

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Matua Dean’s Shout Out

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers, and Whānau, I’d like to use this opportunity to formally introduce myself. I have taken over from Jackie Jones as the

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Matua Rawiri’s Shout Out

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers, and Whānau, Mokoia Intermediate prides our school environment on the Health & Safety of your child, our students. We do our

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Parent / Whānau calendar

Monday, March 31

Hockey Trial two
All Day

Tuesday, April 1

Whānau Curriculum Hui
5:45 pm – 6:45 pm

Friday, May 16

TOD - Maths PLD Day 2
11:30 am – 4:30 pm

Wednesday, June 25

RGHS Year 8 Leadership Day
9:00 am – 2:45 pm


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